Publications Eliane Karsaklian
A limited selection of book publications by Dr Eliane Karsaklian
Sustainable Negotiation: What Physics Can Teach Us about International Negotiation
Dr Eliane Karsaklian, Université Sorbonne, France
The book borrows from the field of physics to make the case that negotiators need to know what is not visible so they can explain what is visible. This alignment gives negotiators the tools to think differently about what they see, helping them to look beyond traditional negotiation techniques and to develop a forward-thinking and sustainable approach to business. Written by a leading international negotiation expert, Sustainable Negotiation introduces a completely new perspective on international negotiation, providing practical, field-tested examples, experiments and guidance to enable readers to implement sustainable negotiation in the real world.
The Intelligent International Negotiator (International Business Collection) Kindle Edition
Dr Eliane Karsaklian, Université Sorbonne, France
In today’s business world, people negotiate every day, everywhere, using techniques learned from various books, experience, and education. Some are more culturally aware and others much less. Some forget that negotiation is, first of all, a human interaction. Some still think that negotiation rhymes with competition.
Between Two Worlds
Paperback English
Dr Eliane Karsaklian, Université Sorbonne, France
Researchers are familiar with the constraints and difficulties in researching and understanding complex populations. For example, children and expatriates can be defined as complex populations to collect data from because of one main feature that brings them together: they live between two worlds. It this book, I introduce a new methodology to conduct research with complex populations by using marketing as a meta-field and multi-method approaches to better communicate with children as well as to the understanding of management issues with expatriates. In this book, I present a compilation of findings and methods I have been using in researches aiming at understanding children as consumers as well as expatriates’ adjustment process through their relationship with brands. These researches have been conducted with a longitudinal approach with participants from all continents for eight years.
From Foreign to International: Lessons on Being a Citizen of the World
Paperback English
Dr Eliane Karsaklian, Université Sorbonne, France
Having an international perspective is no longer a nice way to be different: it is an increasing necessity. A growing number of students will go to school with people from other countries or cultures. More companies will do business with—or be affected by—those in other countries. Isolationism is increasingly a liability and an untenable position. Those of us who already are working in our careers need to adjust. And those of us with children need to do them the favor of preparing them for this world. That is the real purpose of this book. I want to use my personal and business life as an entrée to discussing issues and ideas that will help you, too, move along the continuum from “foreign” to “international.”
Additional limited list of Publications by Dr Karsaklian:
Comportamento do Consumidor, Atlas, Brésil, 2000 (2004 2ème edition).
Cybermarketing, Atlas, Brésil, 2001.
Marketing International, Editions Eyrolles, France, 2007.
Internationalisation d'Entreprises, Dunod, France, 2009.
Un Monde de Bonnes Manières, La Martinière Jeunesse, 2016